Hi all!! So, i am doing everything backwards. Starting with shipped eggs and I will end up having a staggered hatch as well. Phew. I like the challenge.
I have eggs coming in the mail today, tomorrow and at the end of the week. I'll let today's eggs( d'uccles ) sit till tomorrow night and put them in the bator tomorrow night with tomorrow's eggs ( isbars). Then add the last bunch Friday/Saturday ( cream legbars ) after they get a chance to settle. I have a few questions, and plan to keep this post updated with progress!
I've had my bator on for two days now and the temp is holding steady at 100. ( still air hovabator ). Should I raise the temp a bit to 101? Or is it good?
I know to let the eggs settle after shipping. I've been reading mixed opinions on turning shipped eggs though. After I set them, should I leave them along for 5 days or so to continue settling and reattaching air sacs? Then begin turning them? And, when I start turning them, should I put them on their sides in the bator, for the rest of the incubation, or leave them fat side up? What is better with shipped eggs?
I have eggs coming in the mail today, tomorrow and at the end of the week. I'll let today's eggs( d'uccles ) sit till tomorrow night and put them in the bator tomorrow night with tomorrow's eggs ( isbars). Then add the last bunch Friday/Saturday ( cream legbars ) after they get a chance to settle. I have a few questions, and plan to keep this post updated with progress!
I've had my bator on for two days now and the temp is holding steady at 100. ( still air hovabator ). Should I raise the temp a bit to 101? Or is it good?
I know to let the eggs settle after shipping. I've been reading mixed opinions on turning shipped eggs though. After I set them, should I leave them along for 5 days or so to continue settling and reattaching air sacs? Then begin turning them? And, when I start turning them, should I put them on their sides in the bator, for the rest of the incubation, or leave them fat side up? What is better with shipped eggs?