First time outside


10 Years
Jan 27, 2009
middle Tennessee
I let my almost 8 week old chicks out for the first time today! My 3 big hens are really gentle and they've all been getting along great since I've been letting them spend more time mixed up together in the coop, so I thought today I might try opening the doors for them all. Of course they were nervous at first but then they kind of bucked up and seemed to REALLY enjoy the feast of bugs and plants out there! I have my chickens primarily for tick eating purposes so they're free range. The three hens were doing their best but I've been seeing ticks so it was time to let these guys join the fun. Hopefully they'll eat mountains of them!!!! Here are the newest members of the tick patrol- Delawares, Cinnamon Queens, Australorps, and Buff Brahmas...

Can't wait until my chickies are old enough to get our yard bugs on their own. For now, we're taking tupperware around and bringing the bugs inside. Boy, are we wrapped around their little wings!
Yeah that's "Pat" the rooster. I'm really hoping he'll turn out to be a friendly one and not mean like all the rest (except one cochin) have been!! It's supposed to be stormy all day today so I was thinking I might keep them in since they're still little. Idispatch- that's great you take tupperware around and catch bugs for yours!
they are so cute. I just let mine outside for the first time too and they were chicken chickens!
*WHEW* Glad you already knew about it and I wasn't the bearer of bad news.

BTW, everyone has the right to do what he or she thinks is best with their chickens, but...

We're getting the storms here in Arkansas about a day ahead of y'all in Tennessee. My chicks that turned three weeks old yesterday have been out and about with the rest of their flock anyhow. I really don't have a single chicken that minds the storms much; unless it starts hailing.

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