First time raising chicks, need some tips for raising outdoors.


May 2, 2015
Today we just received three healthy three week olds, and it is the first time raising chicks.
In order to help my family I have been doing some research on caring for them.

I mostly am asking for advice on raising them so young.
We are currently keeping them inside a pen in our house with all the requirements (i.e. Heat Lamp, Feeders, etc.).

We were told by the seller that the chicks should be kept in an area of about 90 degrees Fahrenheit with places for them to cool off/ shade.

I am concerned about night time temperatures, which have been falling into the low sixties.
When can I move the pen onto the patio and not have to worry about the chicks? (The patio is completely fenced in and is pool-less).
Or am I just being to big of a worry wart?

Please tell me what you can about raising chicks safely.
Hi and welcome to BYC

Chicks at 1 week need 90 degrees. Your chicks only need around 80 degrees, and each week you can decrease the temp by 5 degrees. By 6 weeks of age they will no longer need supplemental heat, as they will be almost feathered out by then. You could put them in a coop now, as long as you supply a warm area where they can seek heat if they get chilled. Here is a learning center article about raising chicks -
Ok, thank you!
This takes a load off my mind, especially since they have more big feathers today than yesterday. =)

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