Flashiest Rooster

Here is a black copper marans. Not the flashiest one on the block, but he looks pretty to me.

Yes, they are dual purpose. They are a little slow maturing, so it will take way more than 42 days to get some meat on their frames. I have eaten some and the meat tastes great. Lots of flavor. They are most well known for laying very dark brown eggs.

I'm lusting after a Golden Cuckoo Maran. This isn't mine, but I would love to get some eggs from this guy!!!


We also have Crele Old English Game who looks a bit similar to this guy, but much smaller.
Some lovely boys !
I think my Blue Partridge boy makes a good contender, blue-grey, red, gold and spangled feathers. If he would stand still long enough I would take a picture! Just reached fully maturity and of very generous size.
My husband thinks I have too many boys, but I cannot bear to let him go,

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