flesh falling?


In the Brooder
Apr 19, 2015
i have no clue what happened to her, she's limping and it looks like I can see the muscle. It's not bleeding. I'm freaking out and there is no vet. Is there anything I can do to her?
Definitely keep her from the rest of flock, clean it up with some soap and water. Let her rest a day or two and c what happens
Iodine would be good to dab on regularly to sanitize the area. Or perioxide, but it'll sting. Sometimes, farm, feed, or pet stores will carry low dose antibiotics to use if an infection sets in. (Smell is the easiest way to tell.) Be sure to keep her in an environment free from flies. The maggots are helpful for eating infected and dead flesh, but then you need to remove them. Unless in a controlled environment and not squimish, I don't recommend this method. You will be constantly fighting new hatches, very time consuming and expensive.
I sprayed some antibacterial stuff for cuts on it. I called the breeder and he told me to crazy glue the skin back on. Which I did, but she pecked her skin back apart and started eating her feathers. I'm contemplating on taking her to a vet, I'm not looking forward to that bill.....
Crazy glue is terrible for anything worse than superficial. Chicken cone of shame? And a bandage on the leg. Dress it 2-3x a day. Reapply iodine or peroxide every time after rinsing the site with cooled boiled water. Hopefully within a couple weeks she should be doing much better. She's going to need plenty of vitamins and minerals to help keep her strong. I would suggest at least a little Gatorade power in the water. And bringing her worms while she is isolation. It may not be enough, but a vet would probably suggest to put her down. This will be a lot of work, but it should be much less expensive than a vet visit.
Crazy glue is terrible for anything worse than superficial. Chicken cone of shame? And a bandage on the leg. Dress it 2-3x a day. Reapply iodine or peroxide every time after rinsing the site with cooled boiled water. Hopefully within a couple weeks she should be doing much better. She's going to need plenty of vitamins and minerals to help keep her strong. I would suggest at least a little Gatorade power in the water. And bringing her worms while she is isolation. It may not be enough, but a vet would probably suggest to put her down. This will be a lot of work, but it should be much less expensive than a vet visit.

I don't think it's gone deeper than the skin, I bought meal worms today and hopefully she'll feel better! Thanks for the advice!

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