Floating Dark Mass????


14 Years
Feb 23, 2009
It is now day 18 for one of my eggs, so I decided to candle it 1 last time. What I saw was a dark mass that was floated to the top of the egg (right up under the air pocket).

Is this normal? Should the dark mass be in the center? Bottom? Top (like it was)?
I have noticed in my eggs if anything 'floats' it is a dead embryo, the live ones do move but are attached to the inside of the shell, I think when an embryo dies it separates from the wall and starts to appear to float around, take a good look at ai again and watch closely for any movement, also at day 18 there should be a very dark mass and then the air cell is usually all you can see, so if there are gaps that light passes through and you are at day 18 I would say that your embryo died at an earlier stage.
If you hold the egg very still while candling, do you see any movement? By day 18, the chick is nearly full grown, and usually you will only see something like a heartbeat movement, or a little bit of wiggling. If light can be seen in the pointed end of the egg, then it is likely that the embryo gave up at an earlier date. All you should see is darkness with an airsac, and minimal movement.
Great info guys. I still just see that dark mass, but I figure it's worth it to keep it in there... just incase. I will post how it goes by day 21 or 22.

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