Flock Size - By the Book....


Feb 3, 2008
Chillicothe, OH
My DW has joined in on this chicken adventure and she is the reader among us. She keeps reading references to small, medium and large flocks. Of course she asks me what a small flock is....

I finally found one older book (1950's) that references a small flock as 50 or less. These are my guesses...... Is this what everyone thinks?

Small - less than 50
Medum 50 - 100
Large - 100 - 250
Commercial operations - chicken factories 25+
most all the flocks are in the small to med range.because most people have from 10 to 50 hens.if your judging by hen space id be considered a large producer.because i have room to brood 150 chicks an for 400 hens.but im just a small timer.getting a new flock started this year.

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