Floofiest Chicken Contest! ***No prizes*** Winners Announced!

Bootsie, my sassy, loudmouth, but lovable cockerel!

He is named Bootsie after my great-grandmother's little buff hen! She loved that little chicken!
She was a booted bantam of some sort, Cochin perhaps!
Not to mention, his name complies with the fact that he has insanely floofy feet! And he also has a very floofy tail, which came from the bantam Cochin side! He is Bantam Cochin X Standard Buff Brahma!
This contest ends tonight! If I remember to (tomorrow is rather busy) I will have everything judged by tomorrow. :) You can submit entries until 11:59 pm PST.
I’ll judge it later today. If I remember. I still haven’t eaten yet!

I have a lot going on today though.

Morning responsibilities
Put chicks outside with Mochi.
Clean chicken coop and brooder.
Order Horizontal Nipple waterers
Make flag for egg flag contest
Refill Chicken feed bin (100#)
Not at home from 5-8

So we’ll see if I can squeeze judging in. It usually takes me about an hour.

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