Flying White Chinese Geese?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 5, 2011
Can White Chinese geese fly? They run around flapping their wings like as if they want to fly, but can they actually fly? I don't wanna clip their beautiful wings
Yes, with the right conditions, if they have the right type. They probably won't be able to fly up from a standing position, but given enough room for a running start, many Chinas will be able to get airborn, especially with a good wind.
They are more likely to be able to fly when they are younger and not too fat!

I have seen some 'flying' but its not like gracefully flying high in the sky! They only flew low to the ground and for a short distance. They don't seem to have the stamina of the wild geese - and are also much heavier too.

If they were in a pen, I double they would be able to fly out over the fence as they could not get enough lift.
Ok thanks
They haven't been able to actually take off, so, yeah
I think they're too fat

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