Follow up -- was big white duck attacked by raccoon emergency


14 Years
Oct 13, 2007
thank you all so much for your support and helpful advice yesterday. we took her in to the emergency vet. They were swamped with emergencies so it took hours and hours. She received subcutaneous fluids, antibiotics, and wound cleaning. After they cleaned her they saw she had minor flesh wounds, a cracked beak, and was scalped, but, nothing broken. They said she was their best patient of the day, quiet, patient, and friendly! When I went back to pick her up it took over an hour -- with my kids going beserk and me getting later and later for my next meeting -- for them to get the time to release her!

she looks much better this morning. Snuffly, not eating much, but drinking and swimming. We'll take good care of her. She's in the basement bathroom with her pool in the shower, so giving her a shower would be a piece of cake!

I was very pleased the kept the price at $175 rather than the $500-800 I'd been quoted, since they decided she didn't need intubating, anesthesia, etc for the wound healing. I would have balked at that.

thanks again, chicken friends.

Betsy & "Duck Mrs. Super Duck Duck"

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