Food & water supplies


In the Brooder
May 12, 2015
Newton, NH
I have 6 hens and a coop just big enough for them. I can't hang their water or food in the coop because there isn't enough room. My question is do I need to have separate food/water in my run and in my coop (during spring/summer)? Or do they only eat & drink during daytime hours? Also, what do you all suggest for a water & feeder in a small coop?
Chickens need space to thrive and not just recommendation is if you have no room for feeder and waterer you need a bigger coop or less chickens
My coop is 4ft x 5ft with 2 roost bars. Those measurements do not include the nest boxes and have a very large enclosed run. I believe that is more than enough room. There is space for food and water but not to hang them. I wanted to make certain it wasn't necessary to provide food/water inside the coop during spring/summer months. Thanks!

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