Fort Dodge Iowa


11 Years
Apr 15, 2013
Wentzville, MO

Hello all! Newbie here from Fort Dodge, Iowa.

I'm new to raising chickens, and starting out with 5 week old 3 Red Sex Links and 3 Rhode Island Reds that are hopefully all pullets.

Anyone else near my location?
Greetings from Kansas, ChickieMomma 02, and
! Pleased you joined us! Those are some good egg laying breeds! I see you already checked out the Iowa thread - some locals will stop by and say howdy. Best of luck to you and your flock!
Awwwww :( sorry we couldnt trade "local" chicken stories or even chickens. I spend most of my summer very close to West Middletown baling hay. We eat at Frischs on Old Route 4 all the time :) Is Iowa anything like Ohio ?

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This is crazy! I was raised in Madison Township on Hetzler Road. We actually used to raise peafowl.

Iowa is different than Ohio. Ohio is for sure more populated, and everything is closer together than it is in Iowa. Where I am now, I live in one of the "larger cities". I'm about 2 to 2 1/2 hours from Des Moines. People tend to go at their own pace out here, and life here so far has been less stressful. Made the move from Ohio to Iowa due to my husband relocating with his work. I miss my family and friends, but so far I prefer Iowa.
I'm about 20 minutes from you and currently backyard chickens are against the city code here. Trying to figure out if it is enforced as they claim that they are livestock animals, but there are people within city limits with horses.

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