"Fort Scrub Oak" -- New Pictures on Page 4


13 Years
Aug 5, 2008
Ok, here's an update on our new chicken saga...

The week after the awful "garage massacre" (which occurred about 5 weeks ago -- see post here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=78120 ), we got 8 replacement chickies. I was glad our local feed store had a nice selection of 1 1/2 week old sexed chicks (that they got from Privett Hatchery). It helped ease the pain of losing our original 10 a little. We now have one Delaware, one Silver Laced Wyandotte, two Brown Leghorns, two Black Australorps, and two Light Brahmas. We like our new birdies a lot, but they're already 7 weeks old and are getting huge!

The coop's taking longer than expected to build. I've enjoyed looking at all the nice coops here on BYC, gathering ideas. Since I have no construction experience, I decided to go with a relatively simple design, a rectangular building about 4 1/2 X 6 1/2 ft., with shed style roof. The siting of coop, on a hillside amongst some scrub oak, is making contruction more difficult. The foundation is set on four piers set in concrete.

Here's the progress so far:

Baby steps...

Well, I'd better stop typing and start building!
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Your property looks a lot like ours!!!! Lots of hills, rocks, and oak. At least the big oaks provide shade for the birds!!!

You've got a great start to a coop there - I'm sure your girls will love it.
Looks like you're off to a great start! We're just building a run now, and our terrain looks much like yours. Since we're in the Sierra foothills most of our property is hilly.

Looking forward to following your progress.
Looks like a great start and building on a slope is positive in the world of chickens cuz the water will roll down the hill not pool and cause problems. That's what I tell myself anyway! I'm trying to do my run which is also terrible sloped. hmmmm....
Thanks for the words of encouragement!

I got a little more done today... got the floor plywood down. I also mulled over some design issues regarding construction of the nest boxes and windows. Kids cleaned the oil off of the galvanized steel vents so we can prime them and then (hopefully) the paint will stick.


skeeter9 and ChanceRider: I'm in California too, so that's probably why our land looks similar.

LaBanan: I too hope our chickens like hills and rocks, 'cause that's what they're getting! No lush grassy lawn for them.
Good luck with your hilly run.
Oh, by the way, here are our girls, enjoying a treat of yogurt and broccoli. I call this the "Pullet Pinwheel"


(I'm almost embarrassed to post this picture as our chicks have long outgrown their brooder! I'll probably get busted by that new law [they're trying to pass] against overcrowding chickens!)

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