Ok, here's an update on our new chicken saga...
The week after the awful "garage massacre" (which occurred about 5 weeks ago -- see post here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=78120 ), we got 8 replacement chickies. I was glad our local feed store had a nice selection of 1 1/2 week old sexed chicks (that they got from Privett Hatchery). It helped ease the pain of losing our original 10 a little. We now have one Delaware, one Silver Laced Wyandotte, two Brown Leghorns, two Black Australorps, and two Light Brahmas. We like our new birdies a lot, but they're already 7 weeks old and are getting huge!
The coop's taking longer than expected to build. I've enjoyed looking at all the nice coops here on BYC, gathering ideas. Since I have no construction experience, I decided to go with a relatively simple design, a rectangular building about 4 1/2 X 6 1/2 ft., with shed style roof. The siting of coop, on a hillside amongst some scrub oak, is making contruction more difficult. The foundation is set on four piers set in concrete.
Here's the progress so far:
Baby steps...
Well, I'd better stop typing and start building!
The week after the awful "garage massacre" (which occurred about 5 weeks ago -- see post here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=78120 ), we got 8 replacement chickies. I was glad our local feed store had a nice selection of 1 1/2 week old sexed chicks (that they got from Privett Hatchery). It helped ease the pain of losing our original 10 a little. We now have one Delaware, one Silver Laced Wyandotte, two Brown Leghorns, two Black Australorps, and two Light Brahmas. We like our new birdies a lot, but they're already 7 weeks old and are getting huge!
The coop's taking longer than expected to build. I've enjoyed looking at all the nice coops here on BYC, gathering ideas. Since I have no construction experience, I decided to go with a relatively simple design, a rectangular building about 4 1/2 X 6 1/2 ft., with shed style roof. The siting of coop, on a hillside amongst some scrub oak, is making contruction more difficult. The foundation is set on four piers set in concrete.
Here's the progress so far:

Baby steps...

Well, I'd better stop typing and start building!

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