Fort Worth TX


Dec 10, 2015
New to the chicken scene. I built my first coop using a pallet and plywood. Got 4 white rocks with a 10'x4' enclosed run. I now just sit and watch them.
So glad you have joined us, and congrats on getting your own flock

I know what you mean, my gals are 2.5 years old and I still love just watching their antics.
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. My wife and I were both raised in Texas not too far from where you are (Blue Ridge for her, Greenville for me), and I have relatives even closer to you in Weatherford, TX. If you haven't done so already, definitely check out our Learning Center at There is lots of useful information there. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Cheers.

Glad you are enjoying the chicken tv. They are fun to watch, they're always up to something.

It's nice to have you here!

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