Found 1 dead by the water tub.

Quyen Le

7 Years
Jul 9, 2012
This morning, I went out to feed my chickens and found 1 18 week cockerel died in the open area when they run during the day, next to the water tub. The body still soft make me think he just died this morning. I don't see any problem. Pick him up and saw some liquid came from his beak. Do you know what may be the cause?
Found another one died inside the coop. This one is already stiff, so this one must have died for a while. I think there must be some sickness but not sure what it was. Other chickens seem fine.
If its just coincidental that they both died , perhaps the one by the water actually drowned...ive read that on rare occasions they can fall asleep by the water and before they realize it theyve drown :-/...if its no coincidental though, Im not sure what could be going on...
He died outside of the water tub and water is very shallow for him to be drowned. I think some kind of sickness but not sure. They are very active now, none shows any sign of sickness.
This morning, I went out to feed my chickens and found 1 18 week cockerel died in the open area when they run during the day, next to the water tub. The body still soft make me think he just died this morning. I don't see any problem. Pick him up and saw some liquid came from his beak. Do you know what may be the cause?
I don't have a clue about what could have happened to your rooster or your other chicken, but as for the liquid coming from the mouth, lots of times when any animal dies, liquid or water, comes from the mouth, and sometimes from the behind. We found out cat dead on the porch not too long ago, with no signs of anything that could have happened, and she was a young healthy cat, thought she must have had a heart attack or choked or something, but nothing was in her throat as I could see or any kind of marks whatsoever, also a chicken that died recently had this happen, and my dogs that died also this happened, I think that's just part of the death, the stopping of the heart or something. But it is true that chickens will fall asleep at the water dish, I have one that I've been treating for respiratory illness, and she does this, so I have to move the water away from her while shes sleeping, however, I'm with you, I don't think that this is what happened to your rooster and chicken. Maybe eating something poisonous? Sorry I couldn't help, and sorry about your little buddies.

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