Found 16 cold-ish gambel's quail eggs


9 Years
Jul 19, 2010
So. Today it is windy and the wind is cold and we found 16 gambel's quail eggs. Seeing as they were cold we took them in and numbered them. They are currently in a box with a heating pad underneath to kkep them warm. Since we order one day old chicks we don't have an incubator, so we're checking with friends to see if they have any broody hens that want to hatch something. We are going to candle them in a few minutes to see if there are chicks (most likely that there is) but we need help as to find out ways to keep the eggs warm. I personally would like to know if gambel's lay well or not. Please reply!
Gambels are seasonal layer and don't lay alot of eggs like Bobwhites or Coturnix. your going to need either incubator a bantam hen to have any chance of those eggs making it. Good luck
Gambels are seasonal layer and don't lay alot of eggs like Bobwhites or Coturnix. your going to need either incubator a bantam hen to have any chance of those eggs making it. Good luck
Thanks a bunch! We're going to ask a friend of ours if she has any broodies that we can put them under. :)
You won't see any development until at least one week of incubation. As long as it's not freezing cold (ice/snow), the eggs should still be fine. As an fyi, giving it warmth starts the development and so you might not want to warm it until you are ready to start incubating them. Natural incubation is the best way.
You won't see any development until at least one week of incubation. As long as it's not freezing cold (ice/snow), the eggs should still be fine. As an fyi, giving it warmth starts the development and so you might not want to warm it until you are ready to start incubating them. Natural incubation is the best way.

Thank you! :)
According to Cristi, some of the eggs feel heavier than others! We'll be going to candle them this week. Projected hatch dates are looking like 5/16 - 5/20

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