Found a baby Mallard can it be domesticated?


9 Years
Aug 14, 2014
I need advise!!! I found a baby Malord in the middle of the street alone on its back. Its only about a week old. I think I know who the parents are so I tried to leave the bird in a safe place for them to return, but they didn't return I think because it was the 4th of July. I have been caring for the bird, it dosent like to be left alone and wants to be held, it's been a few days now and my worry is has spent to much time with people. I called a wildlife rescue and they said they could try and place it with a new family but they didn't make me feel very confident it would work out. So my question is can a wild 1 week old Mallard be domesticated? Has anyone every done this what are the differences or challenges? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Lots of people have done it, Probably in the ducks best interest now to keep it

You could always get another duckling and raise them together and have some wonderfull pets, Or keep feeding it good duck feed and give it to a hobby farm

iam sure you already know they need warmth, Starter feed, and water they can dip their faces in?

Good work saving a baby animal!
ugh, i has this same problem. we got him at 6 days old. he got wild with age and we found him a mom to adopt him eventually. the only problem with keeping him is it’s illegal but if you send him to the wildlife rescue and they release him being people friendly probably won’t help him in the wild :( you can always just keep him depending on where you live but either way he’s always going to be a wild duck.
It depends now where you live in the us, as our current US administration has removed the migratory bird treaty act, so that oil companies can kill birds without a problem. It’s up to your state now, assuming you’re in the US.
Like people said you should probably just keep him.
I recently had the same happen recently, ended up with a single mallard duckling. I found a wildlife rehab for him easily.

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