Found silkie lethargic (POSSIBLE SHOCK) with laceration near eye


In the Brooder
Jan 26, 2021
I’m not sure how long she had been out there, but we found our 4 month old silkie lethargic with blood in her nostrils. She’s very cold, lethargic, and can barely hold her head up, but she’s fighting fluids by syringe. She was introduced to our flock along with another 4month silkie roo about 2 weeks ago. I’m worried that maybe she has internal damage from being pecked on her head too hard. We’re giving her electrolytes through a syringe and are mixing up some egg mash as we speak. She still has a bit of food in her crop so hopefully she hasn’t been there too long. I don’t have the highest of hopes but I’m trying my best. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated. No one in the flock id inflicted with anything to my knowledge, and she was acting completely fine this morning. Many thanks in advance.

Update: we looked a bit closer and she has a laceration next to her left eye. That gives me a bit of hope that maybe it isn’t internal, but that still doesn’t explain the blood from the nostrils. Unless maybe she shook her head and the blood went onto her beak. I will attach some photos shortly. We are going to make a run to Tractor Supply in the morning to pick up anything we may need. Please leave some suggestions for what we should get, like what type of antibiotics. Many thanks

Update 2: We have her on a heating pad with a brooder lamp treating for shock. We initially did that, but now we’re focusing more on it. She’s staying warm, but her condition hasn’t changed. She responds very slightly to certain stimuli like sound and touch, but doesn’t do so on her own.

Final update: Our sweet Hazel has passed on to the forever field. We still have no idea what truly inflicted her, but we suspect she just had too much brain damage.
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Here are the photos. You can see swelling to the right of her eye.


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Here’s her condition as of now. I’m not sure what the bobbing of her head is.
Your little girl was pecked in the head. Sadly it's a risk you take when introducing new chickens. I hatched several recently, one was a dwarf. I doted on her because she was special. Even my husband loved her. My 80lbs German Shepherd let her eat out of his dish. I watched in horror when my 2 most docile chooks attacked and killed her in a matter of seconds out of jealousy.

The injury she sustained was identical to the photos you posted. And knowing Silkies are very susceptible to head injuries pretty much nails it down.

There wasn't anything you could do. Prednisone might have brought the swelling down, but it isn't realistic to expect to have that on hand or to have that knowledge at the time.

We love our chooks, they just don't feel the same about each other.

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