Fowl Pox or Love Bites?


Apr 30, 2020
San Diego, CA

My rooster has developed spots on his comb and waddle. He had a couple of black spots a couple of weeks ago- one on his comb and one on his waddle- that both went away in a couple of days. He got a couple more in different spots. This morning those black spots were turning grey like they were going to scab off but I just went out there to see if I had any eggs and I noticed his waddle was significantly gray around the edges. When I was trying to take photos for this post, I noticed that one of my hens was biting his waddle as it was moving. A couple of things to consider:

1. We don't really have a problem with mosquitos. I never get bit.
2. I clean their coop out entirely every other Friday. Maybe that wasn't enough!?! =(
3. I change their water every morning but they do kick dirt into it throughout the day even though we have it raised.
4. None of the other hens are showing any signs of distress on them (yet).
5. A few weeks ago, I was carrying a large bag of feed and not very gracefully, slammed it down next to the coop. When I did this, my roo went nuts and his beak started to bleed a little bit and it has a scab on it.
6. I am a new flock owner.
7. My hens and roos are 19 weeks old. They were not vaccinated.
8. I live in San Diego California where it hasn't rained all summer.

I will be so sad if he has fowl pox. If he has it, how do I manage it?

Thanks for your help,
Maggie Landes
Fallbrook, CA


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There is no cure for pox; if that is what it is. The best you can do is treat the symptoms. In the absence of biting insects, don't just assume the worst. When my turkeys had, what looked like pox, we removed the scabs and rubbed with antibiotic cream and covered with Blu-Kote. That was three years ago and the problem has not reoccurred. I would advise that the rooster be separated from the flock until these sores are healed up just in case...
Thank you for the reply. Yes, definitely wasn't assuming anything. It seems like they are probably love bites to me since I haven't seen blisters that turn into scabs just scabs. At the same time, however, being new to this, I would rather be safe than sorry. I will pick up some Blu-note and take the suggestions you make and hopefully will have the same success!

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