Aug 5, 2021 #1 B BrynsHyns Chirping Feb 24, 2021 26 33 66 I'm new to chickens and am trying to figure out if this is fowl pox or foul play! He is my beta roo and I know that's a tender area for them. He is drinking, eating and seems pretty happy. Just trying to figure it out! Attachments 20210805_175909.jpg 521.3 KB · Views: 1
I'm new to chickens and am trying to figure out if this is fowl pox or foul play! He is my beta roo and I know that's a tender area for them. He is drinking, eating and seems pretty happy. Just trying to figure it out!
Aug 5, 2021 #2 oldhenlikesdogs Dreaming of Spring BYC Staff Project Manager Premium Feather Member 9 Years Jul 16, 2015 61,015 130,533 1,752 Wisconsin My guess is it's a small wound. Fowl pox generally is bigger and more scabby.
Aug 5, 2021 #3 Little Baby Bean Faker Dees One Jul 14, 2021 4,577 23,700 801 The Upside Down It looks like he has just been getting pecked on his comb. A lot of our chickens have that from getting pecked and grabbed by their combs.
It looks like he has just been getting pecked on his comb. A lot of our chickens have that from getting pecked and grabbed by their combs.