Free Broody Hen Services


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 16, 2010
Dillsburg, PA
I have a Buff Orpington who LOVES to hatch eggs. Roxanne has successfully raised a batch of chicks with no losses. She is broody right now and would like to be your surrogate chicken mother. She would happily hatch and raise any babies you have. Chickens, ducks, quail... I think she would try to sit on and hatch puppies if she could. Once the babies are hatched they are all yours. She would also enjoy raising them for a few weeks if you would like the chicks to be socialized and taught by a chicken.

We have a very clean and well kept coop. You would be welcome to come and check on the mother and eggs / babies whenever you like. We do not have room for any more chickens so you must take all chicks, pullets and roosters alike, when they are ready.
This is an AWESOME Idea! Wish you lived closer to me cause my broody still has babies and I could use another one. She is also a BO, and is the best mom you ever saw.

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