Free Cuckoo Marans rooster Indianola Washington


6 Years
May 7, 2014
Western Washington
Need to re home a Cuckoo Marans rooster. He was hatched February 10, 2014. Very docile beautiful bird but he is getting beaten up by my BCM. I would love him to go to a home with other Marans or someone who doesn't want to eat him. He is really a sweet bird.

Our family lives in Issaquah, WA. We recently started our flock with 4 cuckoo marans hens. We're looking for a sweet rooster to help protect the flock and keep it in line.

It looks like you posted this about a year ago; but, I thought it might be worth asking in case you still had your marans rooster or new of other local sources for us to find one.

Warm Regards,

Matt Willis

That rooster found a home but I do have another beautiful cuckoo marans that is about six months old. I would love to find him a home other than a stew pot. Let me know if you are still interested.
Hi Aquachick,

We just tried to hatch our first few fertilized marans eggs, from rooster we kept for the summer. No luck this time. However, early this spring we'll try again, a bit earlier than this year.

If you have a Marans rooster available in early Spring, we'd be very interested, and will gladly drive to meet you. Or, if you have BCM chicks, pullets, hens or a rooster, we're interested in that specific breed too.

Thanks a bunch for taking the time to reply to my original post, Aquachick. I really appreciate it!


So, I didn't intentionally end up with the three boys that I have. Right now I have two roosters that have a purebred BCM dad and Cuckoo Marans mom. The other boy has cuckoo parents.

I have been told that by having the cross it does a sex link which means if they chicks turn black they are female and striped means roos. They will all be ready to help you try to hatch chicks next spring.
I have a buff Orpington that likes to brood so I gave her nine eggs to hatch. Only four survived and three of them turned out to be roosters. I can send you pictures to your phone of the boys if you would like.
They are really docile and looking for new homes. I have too many roosters in my coop at the moment. I can't keep them until spring and I don't believe I will be hatching eggs next spring.
I appreciate you getting back to me about them. I am going to put them on craigslist if you aren't interested but wanted to give you the fist chance at them for free.

Let me know.


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