Free ranging days are over.


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 3, 2010
I am the proud owner (i am not sure who owns whom) of 9 narragansette turkeys of various ages. After allowing them the free run of the yard for a number of months a problem has arisen. I got a call from my only neighbor, who happens to be my wifes aunt, that not only were my turkeys and chickens in her garage but the trukeys were on top of her car. After herding them back home I needed a new plan. I put the turkeys in a new pen I had planned on using to house just a few birds in the winter. They are not happy. The chickens are still allowed to roam free, it was always the turkeys getting the chickens into trouble. I had planned on letting the turkeys out an hour or two before their bed time, but rounding them up to put back into the pen is Utube video waiting to happen. Any suggestions to solve my turkey issue.
I think you'll be building a turkey house with high fences....I'm putting in a 6ft solid wood fence on the side of the road the rest will be 5ft high non-climb wire and I'm hoping none of my neighbors will be calling.....I have 2 that get out every morning they don't go far and they willingly go right back in when I open the door but they roost on a 11 ft high wall.....I hope they get too heavy soon mine are 4 months and I clipped the wings there new turkey house will be completely closed in only the yard will be open I'll see how that works.
I would build (well I guess I did build) a large pen. Mine is 1/3 acre, I wish it was a little larger. 6 foot fences with buried predator fence and electric just to be sure. I also clip a wing.

Aren't Naraganssets beautiful!!
Thanks for the insight. I may try the wing clip method but I fear that will make them vuneralble to predators. I Love my narragansettes. Even my little toms love to strut around all puffed up.
I never have problems getting my birds back into their run - anytime of the day. They have learned my call and recognize the sound of the metal bin in which I keep their treats. They come running from the farthest corner of the yard when I bang the lid of the metal bin.
You can "train" them easily by giving them a few snacks while they are in the run. They will learn quickly to connect a distinctive sound with yummy treats - be it your voice or a rattling sound - or the clapping of a metal lid on a metal can - if you want to go fancy train the to the sound of a bell:)
And what treats are you using... mine have responded to anyone elses feed (turkeys, lambs, goats and meatie feed) but I don't know they will train to that. They LOVE blackberries, one will et out of my hand but of course soon there will be none...

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