Free Roo's in VT- Gold Laced Wyandotts, Brahmas, B. Rock


9 Years
Jun 6, 2010
White River Junction
I have some beautiful 8-9 week old roo's I would love to find homes for. There are: (2) Gold Laced Wyandottes, one with jet black head; (2) Dark Brahmas, (1) Light Brahma and (1) Barred Rock. All have been free ranging and are raised organically and though not handled much, are frequently near us and some eat out of hand. Though it may go without saying on this site, not for meat, I will harvest any that can't find homes/flocks. Pick up Only.
No sorry, no hens/pullets. You could try the breeder I got mine from, she usually just does straight runs, but you never know. I shouldn't post her tel # without getting her permission, but she does advertise in "It's Classified" an Upper Valley VT/NH mag. It has online listings, if you search the online farm and garden listings, you can find her, she advertises various breeds but is the only listing with "Old English" chickens. She is in Newport, NH. Good luck, and if you hear of anyone who would love a GLW roo, one of mine is absolutely gorgeous and has a jet black head, though I don't think it is show/breed standard, it is the best looking bird of twelve, hands down no question. I would hate to have to name him "Stew"

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