Free Rooster-NY, PA, NJ area- pick up only


11 Years
Feb 18, 2008
Greenville (Port Jervis) NY
I hope I'm in the right spot. Never done this before.

I regretably have to re-home my lovely mutt roo, Feather Butt. I have raised him since he was 1 - 2 mos old. He is here with his brother and unfortunately the 2 of them can't come to an agreement as to who is top roo here. They are also tearing up the hens since there are only 3 at the moment. I don't think the 6 we will be adding is going to make it any better. I hate to give him up, he is sweet, but his brother is my son's favorite, so Feather Butt is the one to go. I would like to see him go to a good home where he will live out his days, please don't eat him.

I am located on the NY, PA, NJ border near Port Jervis, NY. Anyone have a home for him?


We were told he was part silkie. We also think RIR may be mixed in just because of the color. His brother is black and white, kind of like a SLW. They could have EE because of all the color combos all the chicks had we were able to choose from when we got them.

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