Free silkies in Louisiana


7 Years
6 Years
Feb 28, 2013
Madisonville, LA
I have two 5 week old silkies, one buff and one partridge. I suspect the partridge is a rooster and the buff is a pullet - not positive though. They are pet quality as they have little to no foot feathering. They are sweet as can be, but my other birds are not treating them kindly and I can't bring myself to ask my husband to build them a seperate pen. Also, they need to stay together because they are best friends and absolutely inseperable. I'm in southeast LA, PM me if interested and for pics. Thanks.
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I'm in chauvin , la. I would be more than happy to take them , my little girl would love them plus we have extra room, if yall still have them u pm me thank you
do you still have the chicks? I'm looking for juvenile chicks to hang out with my americauna 4 month old hen that just lost her friend. we only want a hen- thanks

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