Free Surprise Chick? What breed is it?

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Grandmas Coop

Crossing the Road
9 Years
Mar 8, 2014
:jumpy :confused: ? Free Surprise Chick? What breed is it? :confused::jumpy

This little Egyptian Fayoumi went to my daughter in-law. My grandsons just love him.
He is a year old now, not a big rooster but is a great flock protector.
I love to watch the guess the breed game! :lau or skills, I should say!
I'm not really good at it unless I have the breed, but I'm so glad the "experts" got it right!
Lovely bird!
I love to watch the guess the breed game! :lau or skills, I should say!
I'm not really good at it unless I have the breed, but I'm so glad the "experts" got it right!
Lovely bird!
And they were so fast at it! I didnt think of it at the time but I could have looked at the chicken list on Murry McMurry Hatchery page Lolol but this was more fun!
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