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I totally understand. I was given a pet baby chick by my grandparents when I was 12 years old. That chicken was like a dog with me. It would sit in my lap, ride on the handlebars of my bike with me, and was an excellent "guard chicken".

Unfortunately, it turned out to be a boy and living in the city with a crowing cockeral did not sit well with the neighbors.

I ended up having to give him away to someone who lived on acreage and already had a rooster and hens.

Leaving him there was so hard to do. He kept running after me and trying to get in my arms.

I heard later that the other rooster harrased him endlessly and he "disappeared" one day. I never found out if he had just taken off and found another farm nearby, or what.

Thant was over 25 years ago, and I still feel badly about it.

Non-chicken people just don't understand.

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