Free Young Welsummer and Marans Cross Roos - South TX - pickup only


11 Years
Jun 21, 2008
South Texas
I have some EE chicks that I hatched mid feb. Asking $2 each and they are straight run. All from blue/green eggs. I also have four extra roosters that are free for the taking. Two are crosses - Marans/EE and Marans/Speckled Sussex. Both of those are cuckoo patterned. Also I have two young Welsummer Roos that I just need to move out. I only want two to keep and have four. These are from a breeder in Houston who has Barber lines and are from dark eggs. I paid good money for them as chicks but know roosters just don't sell well. At this time I am not able to deliver or ship so pick up only. Email me at [email protected] or pm.
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LOL Lavaca! Great meeting a local fellow BYC! Kids had a blast too.

War I am just north of Victoria near Hallettsville. About two hours south east of you.

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