Freeloaders?? .... now with small egg!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Dec 19, 2009
The Great South East
Here are some photo's of my RIR/Australorp X and what we think is a Sussex/Wyandotte X. They are somewhere around 21-25 weeks of age now, we don't know exactly, and have been on laying pellets for just under a month, and they've got fake eggs in their next boxes (although the better half doesn't know why to bother with them, as he thinks seeing as they haven't laid one they wouldn't know what they look like!). We receive about 14 hours of daylight here and it's very warm.

I may be imagining it - but I think the comb on the red has actually gotten paler this week

I guess my question is the million dollar one - do they look like they 'should' be laying, or do they have a bit of maturing to do yet?




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They look like they should be laying soon. Do they spend any time in their nest box(es), yet? A lot of times, they'll "practice" before they actually start laying. Pretty chickens, too!
Just a little more patients. Some hens take longer than others. Most hatcheries and other sources state the average POL. They look like they could lay anytime. I have a few that wait till around 30+weeks (especially in the winter months). You could try checking the pelvic bones by holding the hens with a hand under the belly of them.....The pelvic bones are near the vent.....Just feel on the outside of their bottom and if three fingers can fit between the pelvic bones then they are/going to lay soon. If you can only fit two fingers you still got awhile.
Oh and only one fake egg per box is just gives them an idea where to lay. Golf balls work too.
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thanks for the replies - they don't really spend any time in the nest boxes if they can be out of the coop, preferring the garden behind them in the bottom picture. During the day when I'm at work and they are locked in the coop I can't really say. I've been wondering about checking their pelvic bones, but having my eyes scratched out in the process doesn't really appeal!
Very well understood.
If they are always out and don't visit the coop/nest boxes at anytime in the day then they could been scouting places to lay or are laying someplace. Maybe.
I would lock my new hens up for a few weeks without letting them free range....or if relocating to another coop in the yard.....and after that start letting them out in the day and lockup at night due to predators. If any do not return to the coop at night I would move them back to the coop. If it continues for a few days then they get locked up a little while again. They seem to learn. So in the daytime the "trained" hens will go in the coop to lay and venture back out freely.
Don't know if this helps any.
I think there may be something happening..... Tandoori (the RIR) has been acting strange today, climbing onto the outside beer brewing fridge where she likes to roost before bedtime, and now she has climbed into the nesting box, both of which she has NEVER done during the day. Goodi, our other hen the same age is just standing there, not sure what to do! Tandoori has been turning around and around in the box a bit like a cat before it settles.

Looks like they are mighty close to laying now. Soon you will have more eggs than you know what to do with. It sure is a thrill to get those first pullet eggs. You'll have a big smile on your face then.

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