Friend sent me this. Funny!


Don't make me give you a temp ban so you can get your work done!!!

Ok, ok... I leave now... I have 23 hours to study for an exam... darn midterms!!! Where's dead week!!! :thun Finals are next week!!!
LOL, I edited out all the bad words. Should be good now!

Haha, I only have this essay to do, and a quiz to take tomorrow and I get to go hooooommmme! I can't wait! Can't wait, except for the long drive!
I had no homework tonight
Ugh, I wish! I've been getting TONS of work from my professors lately because they didn't want us to worry about essays over spring break. I definitely agreed with them, but I wasn't so happy about all the work! I had three essays over the weekend, a quiz monday, today, and one I have to study for tomorrow. UGH! Can't wait till it's all over!
* There was some kid who posted a whole website asking people to limit their wiki-hack efforts to ONLY the topic of chickens. . . .I ran across his site a month or two ago. THOUGHT BOUT ASKING HIM TO PICK ANY OTHER TOPIC but figured, "Nah. . . It'll never get anywhere anyway!!"
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