Frisky Drake who thinks he is a chicken


6 Years
May 16, 2013
We have a lovely Cayuga Drake called Pippi Love Sausage (it is long story - don't ask!) who has always thought he is a chicken. He lives outside the chicken house at night, he escorts the ladies to the hen house and stands guard while they lay their eggs and roams with them all day as they free range. Although we have 4 other ducks and a drake, he prefers the company of chickens. All has gone swimmingly well until this week when he developed a sudden hormonal surge and has taken to making rather amorous advances to our bantam hens. They are not amused! He is picking on one hen in particular who I have had to lock up to keep her safe. Does anyone have any ideas for how to deal with this? We are thinking of catching one of the ducks and locking the two of them up together in a small run so he becomes friendly with his own species. Help!
Going by his name, I am guessing that you are aware of the anatomy of a male duck. Roosters do not have penises, and a hen's reproductive tract is not designed to have objects inserted therein. A drake can seriously injure a chicken hen in many ways. Separate them as soon as is possible with one or more of the female ducks.
Well his name was an unfortunate one given by a child - but perhaps they knew something!
Poor Pippi - I will set up a love nest for him and Donna a rather lonely duck to hang out together in. Thanks for the info and I just hope that Brigette the wee bantie is ok. She is not injured but looks rather shocked.

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