Frizzle gender!


5 Years
Mar 18, 2014
I'm thinking this guy is a roo but want it to be a pullet! Any help would be amazing! I would say it's about 6 months old.

Hmm it's very hard to tell either way. At that age, the colour and size of the comb and wattles is totally normal for a hen coming into lay (depending on breed). I can't tell if there are saddle and hackle feathers present due to all that frizzle! Did you hatch this bird? If so, do you remember at what age the comb and wattles started to get big and red?
I'd guess that bird is a red frizzled Cochin. If you look at pictures of Cochin females, their combs tend to stay quite small. They also stay pretty pink until they're just about ready to lay. I have a Cochin bantam hen now that is over a year old, laying and her comb isn't even half the size of your birds.

That's a cockerel all the way.

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