Frizzle roosters?


Jan 20, 2020
I think I have a couple of oops. I got 6 frizzles to go 3 each in my large aviaries hmm roosters kinda threw me for a plan. I guess I should not put a rooster in each with 2 chickens because they are all frizzles? Do they really successfully nest so this really is a problem? Since they were raised together should I keep the 2 roosters in 1 aviary & all the chickens in the other aviary? Thanks
I guess I should not put a rooster in each with 2 chickens because they are all frizzles?
Why are you concerned that they are all frizzles? What difference does that make? Or do you have other concerns?

Do they really successfully nest so this really is a problem?
What do you mean "nest"? Are you talking about them laying eggs, breeding, or going broody and hatching chicks?

Since they were raised together should I keep the 2 roosters in 1 aviary & all the chickens in the other aviary?
You can go this route if you wish but you may have other options. What do you want to happen? What are your ultimate goals with chickens? It's hard for me to suggest something when I don't know your goals. Your goals are the ones that matter. I rise mine for meat. I don't think you want me making suggestions for you based on my goals. It should be your goals.
You're right, breeding frizzles together will hatch chicks with serious issues. Just don't let them hatch eggs and collect eggs daily. Sometimes roosters do well together, sometimes they don't, it's hard to say.
I don't want to accidently breed something that will have issues. We have a large ranch with plenty of large breed chickens for eggs for us. I got the frizzles for enjoyment and I think my silkie would prefer not to be put in the aviary by herself for clean up duty. The polish chickens can't seem to find their way out when I open the door for them to leave the aviaries. I really enjoyed my frizzle last year but a hawk got her. So the frizzles are for turning the ground, eating spilled food, Mosquito control. If they hatch some chicks that is fine, I can always find a home for extras. If it is ok for a rooster to be alone I could put 1 in each aviary & let the frizzle chickens free range, then lock them in a chicken run/coop for the winter when the hawks are in town.
The Frizzle gene is a fatal gene if it pairs up. This means if you breed two frizzle chickens about 25% of the chicks will die in the shell before hatch. But if you breed a Frizzle to a not-Frizzle, about half that hatch will be Frizzle, half will not be Frizzle, but none will die in the shell from that Frizzle gene pairing up. So don't breed a Frizzle to a Frizzle and hatch the eggs and you will be OK. So you can breed a Frizzle to a Silkie or Polish, no problems.

Many people keep two or more roosters in a bachelor's pad. As long as there are no girls to fight over they usually get along OK. I'm still not real clear on what's going on with you but this might be your best bet.
Thanks! Really helpful information from everyone! I enjoy watching my little bundles of fluff. I just want to make sure I do what is best for the birds. I am enjoying hearing him learn to crow!

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