Frizzle Sizzle Frazzled? PICS


8 Years
May 28, 2011
Foothills of NC
More correctly called a Curly, how do you feel about a frazzled chicken. Should it be culled? Do the feather problems harm or cause pain? How is the chicken's quality of life affected. I "adopted" a white frazzled rooster mix and have recently hatched another frazzled rooster mix. Of note, I no longer purchase eggs from the source of these frazzle birds. What would you do?
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I don't think I'd ever find myself coming across such, but if I did, I'd probably make it some clothes to keep it warm/dry and give it a separate place to sleep or something. I might sell it to someone with more time on their hands, too. I've known people with Frazzles and that's what they did - Make clothes for it and treat it a little more specially. I don't know if the bird is in pain, but I do know the bird is often colder and more susceptible to injuries, etc.
If you want to breed, and dig frizzles, a frazzled rooster will produce 100% frizzled chicks (mated to a smooth feathered bird). At least that's what I've read anyway. I have a frazzle, and he's a rough looking guy, but I love him. And I agree, he's gonna need a sweater to get through winter....
Maybe he would like a crocheted wool rooster sweater! Good thing his Mama can sew and crochet! The other one is a 4 week old bantam size....I may need a smaller gauge yarn for him. He is a good rooster and I adore frizzles of all types and colors.
OK, gonna go take a pic for y'all. BRB
I'm back with PICs of frazzles or curlys.

First guy (white) is over a year old as I was told. The second guy is almost 4 weeks.





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These don't look like curlys to me. I don't see the backwards curling feathers that frizzles, and curlys would have. Also, they appear to be silkied.

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