Frizzle X Straight


Mar 15, 2017
If I cross a female frizzle cochin bantam with a male straight-feathered cochin bantam will the result be a frizzle or straight? From what my local breeder has told me is that the frizzle is a non-dominant gene and cannot fuse to create a frizzlish straightish feather pattern. I was curious if this is true? Will I get a frizzle or not??
Have no idea what that breeder was trying to say.
Anyways the frizzle gene is dominate. If it has it, it shows. Most frizzle breeders bred so birds can only have one frizzle gene. Same as what youre doing. One frizzled bird crossed with one non frizzled bird.
The offspring will get one non frizzle gene from the non frizzled parent. They will get either a non frizzle gene or a frizzle gene from the frizzled parent since it has one of each. In other words you can get either non frizzled or frizzled offspring. 50/50 chance of either.

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