
In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 9, 2013
This little one came from a feed store here in California. I only know it is a Bantam Cochin or so I was told. It is the only one of the six I have that is feathering out this way. Could it be a Frizzle?




Thank You in advance for any help.

this is how frizzles look as chicks, the feathers curl up (like the wind blew them backwards some what
yours looks more like the feather shafts have been broken (other chicks pulling its feathers maybe
), you might have to wait to see how the rest of it feathers in, but I don't think it is frizzled
This little ones feathers are growing in like this! The feathers that are pointing out away from its body grew that way. I have five other chicks and none of them look like this. The brooder is in the house and I see them all the time, It is not something that the other chicks are doing because as he/she feathered out he/she was noticeably different from the other little chicks. They do peck at each other sometimes but not to the point that it seems like they are hurting each other. When this one started feathering I noticed right away it looked different. The feathers are finer and softer also the shaft of the feathers are not very stiff. I am new to chickens and don't know much though I research all the time. I don't even know what breed this little one is! ( other than Bantam Cochin)
What a strange little thing! Looks like it's trying to grow dreadlocks or something. Hehe. I can't say from experience, but I did a little research and it seems there are rare instances where chicks' feathers will grow in strangely..curled, wiry, sticking out every which-way..and the feathers go right back to normal as they mature. By the time they're grown, they're smooth as they should be. As cute as this chick is, I'd wager a bet that that's what will happen here.
Keep us updated on his growth? :)
Also I don't know if it shows well in the picture but this little ones wings are set real close together. Could this just be a mixed breed chick or some kind of birth defect? It also has a naked behind with a little nub or bump growing to the left of its vent ( can post pics ) .
Thanks for the help and does anyone else agree with silver penciled???
Thanks for the help and info. Has anyone seen a little chick with feathering like this?
My little one passed..... I woke up yesterday and his/her little back and neck were crooked, thought it could be wry neck but the guys at the feed store said either acts of attrition in the brooder or birth defects. It was my favorite little odd ball sad to see him or her go.

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