FS OH Blue Slate breeding TRIO


10 Years
Jun 18, 2009
Fairborn OH
My husband has decided to only keep his bronze turkeys, so My TRIO of Blue Slates gotta go! They are all around a year and a half old, they bred for us this year and one of the hens even went broody. Nice quality birds. Just have to pick and choose what to keep and he prefers the look of the bronze (He like the wild look) so they get to stay. Gotta cut down on feed cost. Get this gorgeous trio for $150! Great price for such great birds! Will sell the tom separate, and if he goes then the girls can go alone too.






Hello, i just bought a trio of bourban reds for $60.00. If you are not a 4 hour drive from me and you will take $60.00 for the trio i will give them a good home of a free range live. Let me know.
Thanks Clint
Sorry but I don't think DH would let them go for that price... he would probably just keep them, and sell their babies in the spring.
what is the least amount you will take for them. i just live about 2 hours from you. thanks clint
PM with reasonable offer, I have had a lot of interest (no buyers yet) on this trio, so it will probably go to the highest reasonable offer.

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