FS/Trade Gardens Alive $25.00 Code For free purchase..


13 Years
Oct 10, 2008
North Jersey
Hello, i have a coupon/gift certificate code of $25.00 for Gardens Alive.
Gardens alive offer a range variety of products that help with organic growing of vegetable, fruit and many other products for plants and even for pets and for the home. They also have seeds, etc

I am wanting to exchange/trade this code for the same amount in money(paypal etc) for anyone interested in purchasing in Gardens Alive. The code expires in May and they dont ussually offer this many times.

If interested Please Post or PM, or else i will use it...

Thank you very much!
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Does anyone want to offer me something of equal value for this gift code? Please let me know either by PM or email.

Thanks for the comment but what you are saying isnt always the case because they do have give codes through mail catalogs but you HAVE to spend $50.00 to get it. I have purchased from them before and i do get the catalogs but they are mostly for $50.00 of purchase(you can get these in the catalog or from email if you are subscribed to them)...so you have to spend $50..00 or more to get $25.00 free(not free)
The ones for $25.00 of purchase or less(or free purchase if your total with shipping comes out less than $25.00) arent given away all the time so that is why i am offering it, because mines is a special code that I just received through email and like i said is only given at certain times or to certain people that have ordered before.

Please let me know if anyone might be interested in a trade or for sale.

thanks again.
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