Full Recovery from Respiratory Illness


11 Years
Jul 18, 2008
Fountain, Florida
So I just wanted to leave a happy post here in the Disease section. I went through a rough few months. Had to cull any adult flock then the illness spread to my chicks that were just 2 months old. I am happy to report that just 7 of the chicks became ill. We seperated them and my wonderful DH built them a coop at the back of our 5 acres. After lots of hands on work...medicated water, injections of Tylan & Vet RX they have made a full recovery!
I just never knew it was possible to recover from this, but they did.
Now they will never rejoin my flock, but there are 7 of them back there so they are not lonely. Today me and my husband just sat there and looked at them and I almost cried! I am so happy they mde it and they look GREAT!

I wanta thank all of you guys that wrote me a thousand times and got me through it! Here are the chicks happy & healthy thanks to you guys!


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