Fully Developed Chick Died In Egg


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 27, 2014
I placed 12 shipped fertile hatching eggs under my broody hen. 9 of the 12 hatched out on days 20-21. Today is day 23, and I removed the 3 remaining unhatched eggs after she abandoned the nest to care for other chicks. 2 appeared infertile, but one lavender orpington egg was a fully developed chick that never pipped. Any ideas on what might have happened? I'm very pleased with the hatch rate but hate losing one that was so close, especially a lavender orpington.
It's hard to say. Sometimes they are just not strong enough to hatch.

Some chicks become "shrink wrapped" in the egg, but this usually occurs after external pipping. Some just aren't strong enough. I've had a couple that have had deformities, and so never internally pipped.

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