Fun Chicken-Related Activities for Kids


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9 Years
May 9, 2010
Egglanta, GA
My feed store needs me to host a chicken event at our Farmer's Market on Saturday morning for kids and want some fun chicken-related games or activities. Any ideas? One of the employees suggested that they make chickens out of popsicle sticks. Sound fun?
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Get a big box, like what appliances come in, cut one side out then set up an egg candler inside. Kids love candling.

A few chicks still in fuzz they can hold and pet (under proper supervision of course) also draws them in.
Chicken races: set the bird at one end (hold in place), lines drawn for their "lanes" and another person at the other end to call them on using voice, treats, etc. once the green flag "drops."

Dress-up contests

Breed ID contest

Colouring book pages of chickens that can be coloured or have sequins, beads, feathers, etc. glued on.

Candling is great, but I think chick handling to too much for the venue--just too hard to adequately supervise.

Raffle off "chick care packages" (feeder, waterer, small bag of feed--~5#) and donate the $$ raised to a local charity

Egg decorating.

And definitely the Chicken Dance.

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