Fun with my rooster


7 Years
Mar 23, 2012
I was walking through the back yard with our chickens while ago and I felt something hit the side of my ankle. I looked down and our Rhode Island Red rooster was trying to get my attention. I guess he was upset because he was off having a romantic interlude with one of our hens when I brought their treat out this morning. He wasn't trying to hurt me or anything, just getting my attention. I got him close to the fence and picked him up and pet him. I swear these chickens are the gentlest chickens I've ever been around. Guess I better get another hand of bird seed to bring outside so he's happy.
Please don't look at his testing you as a sign of cuteness. He'll be a big boy one day, with spurs and strong wings to flog with. Flogging hurts and spurs injure.
I prefer my roosters to learn to keep their distance from a young age.
Just my two cents, for what it's worth.
He'll be a year old next month. The rooster we used to have was much more aggressive. This one is very gentle in comparison. He never does this to my wife, and has only done it to me 3 times.

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