Future parent to quail children

Does anyone have a compiled list of raising pet quail and tips?
how many are you going to get? For pets I would get around three or two hens. but that's my opinion.

Treats are about the only thing I'm good at giving advice about.
Kale leaves
Don't give them parsley, meat, sugar, salt, nightshade family, onions.

andd..... @Nabiki knows more about tips. Also @MageofMist and @Fenrisulfr
And are there any toys they like to play with not including dirt, sand, and plants.

They primarily adore rolling in dirt and rough sand, but they do enjoy pecking at shiny things, colourful things and bells every now and then. Scrappy also has a tiny xylophone guitar that he pecks at on rare occasions. You can also play with them using a twig, blade of grass or laser pointer just like a cat. :p Just be careful to not shine the pointer in their eyes.

As for food, I feed Scrappy a super mix of:
Gamebird/Quail Pellets
Domestic Finch Mix
Wild Finch Mix
Generic Wild Bird Seed Mix
No-Grow Wild Bird Feed Mix

The grit I give Scrappy and Lulu every few weeks is in this amount, they eat as much as they need and Scrappy often scatters the rest by dustbathing atop it.

And for treats, Scrappy gets all sorts. The ones that come to the top of my head are grapes, bits of jacket potato, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, dandelion flowers and leaves, leafy greens, grated carrot and last night, he had a naughty bit of those tiny pancake drops you get when cooking pancakes... Not the healthiest of treats though. :p He also eats bugs when outside and he found an ant hill to he both a good bath and meal, and was flinging the ones that climbed on him flying. Thankfully they were the harmless ants, but I still moved him from being directly atop the nest and brushed him off. You can also lift him up and aim him to peck flies and other annoying bugs off walls.
Mine got half a spaghetti squash and decimated it. xD They like to hide out in or under things; I have a couple sturdy plants to go under in my pen and a couple of those fabric plant pots to hunker down in.
Are you keeping them in the house or will they be outdoors? :) and I assume you’re getting coturnix? Or buttons?
Mine got half a spaghetti squash and decimated it. xD They like to hide out in or under things; I have a couple sturdy plants to go under in my pen and a couple of those fabric plant pots to hunker down in.
Are you keeping them in the house or will they be outdoors? :) and I assume you’re getting coturnix? Or buttons?
Outdoors and coturnix.

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