Game Bird feed to gain weight..?

Lach Cnoc Farm

10 Years
Apr 16, 2009
Western Washington
I was wondering if the Game Bird feed will help a thin chicken gain weight? if i recall correctly, it is higher in protein. Does anyone know?

I had some leftover calf mana last year and gave it to the chickens but i ended up having a rooster "choke" on the was pretty horrible so i dont wanna go there again.
Game bird feed should be fine I use in all the time on my chicks..
If you don mind me asking...... How much calf mana did you give him (the rooster) or how much did he eat before he "choke" and was it hot and was it mix ed with grain?
I gave the group about 1 cup full. I'm not sure how much he ate total, but it was A LOT i had to push back out of his craw. it was all backed up into his throat. it was terrible.

it was mixed with layer pellet.

the feed wasnt hot..(?) and it was a normal day, nice outside but not hot. they also had plenty of water.
I use it a couple of times a week too.. I mix yogurt and vitamin/electrolyte water to make a mash.. they gobble it up..
sometimes I add scrambled eggs or bread bits just to encourage them to eat it..
I use Calf Manna all the time with my Larg Fowl Breeders I mix it 10% of there feed... That would be around 10 lbs Calf Manna per 100 lbs of layer mix (My layer mix is around 20 scoops layer 2 scoops black oiled sunflower seed and 2 scoops cracked corn) never had act up.. I do know that too much will enlarge ther liver or even kill them...

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