In May our game hen decided she wanted to be a Mama. So we put 12 eggs of the sort we wanted to have hatched. We put 6 Black Copper Maran eggs and 6 black star eggs. On June 21 we had babies. !0 out of 12 eggs hatched. I was so excited. Our roosters were Blue Cooper Maran and an Aracauna rooster. I thought the chicks would turn out to be mostly black and maybe we would get a rooster like our Maran. Well the Aracauna got around more than I thought. So the results were a little different than I expected. I did get some Black Cooper Maran hens. The rest were different.
These are the two roosters.

This is Mama. Mama with babies.

Unfortunately My beautiful Maran Rooster shattered his leg. We had to put him down.
These are two of Mama's babies we decided to replace him with. They look a lot different than him.

These are two of the hens that Mama hatched out. We also got some Black Stars and Maran hens from the mix.

These are the two roosters.
This is Mama. Mama with babies.
Unfortunately My beautiful Maran Rooster shattered his leg. We had to put him down.
These are two of Mama's babies we decided to replace him with. They look a lot different than him.
These are two of the hens that Mama hatched out. We also got some Black Stars and Maran hens from the mix.