Garden Space With Coop Finished


13 Years
14 Years
Mar 26, 2010
My Coop
My Coop
Last year we had some damage to our backyard, with the 3 girls free ranging everywhere. This spring I decided to enlcose our veggie garden, as the main free range area. I let Rosie out (lost 2, 2 new young babies not out yet) in the main yard supervised only. I found the cute "welcome" chicken thingy, I put on the gate, at a thrift store- had to have it! We used the "pig fencing" we already had, attched with metal posts (ditto). Only thing we bought was chicken wire to attach to fencing, and a 2x2 for the gate. We also added a door to the end of the coop, so we can let the girls out directly to the garden. Works great!

All the green things are fine, she just digs around a lot. She free ranges, when I'm out, in the rest. But she is verboten from my flower beds...

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