geese or ducks burying thier eggs


11 Years
Sep 26, 2008
Hello all,

I am new to this site but really hope you all can help. I have aflac type ducks sorry I don't know thier breed and geese living together. I don't know which ones are laying eggs but they are driving me crazy cause they are burying thier eggs. I want them to hatch the eggs, we did put some under a chicken but they have't hatched yet.

have you ever heard of ducks or geese burying thier eggs?
thank you so much i am relieved to see i don't have crazy geese. they do always lay in the same spot.
most likely duck eggs if you were able to put a few under a hen, geese eggs are huge, aflac ducks are called white pekins and they are not good setters so if u really want babies u should incubate yourself, but iv'e had pekins hatch eggs so maybe give it a try, good luck
My ducks bury their eggs in the straw. It's always a hunt to find them.
But it's like hunting for buried treasure.
thank you all for your wonderful replies this really helps I always had chickens so ducks and geese are new to me and i really appreciate your imput.
I finally found out it was my duck's eggs. She just started sitting on them.......thank you all for your help.....

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