Gender/Breed mystery; Sonny OR Sunny?


11 Years
Mar 16, 2008
I got this little guy or gal from an animal rescue group in Vermont I am interning with. I was told he had a leg problem and when I saw the baby at first, I was like 'Holy Meatbird!' because of how big it was for being one weeks old. And with the leg issue, I thought it would be a meat bird too because sometimes of the issue of going down on the leg. He was a school incubation project hatch, I was told. Since taking him, the leg issue corrected itself on it's own and he is scratching and dust bathing as normal chickens do without any problems with that leg, so it was a success and I think I might even enter him or her in the fair this year...If I can figure out the gender and breed. I have no experience with anything that isn't fancy, long tailed and certainly never had a meat or egg production bird because all of mine are strictly show and pets. But as of late, the bird is approaching 6 weeks old and not really all that big as I expected a Cornish hen to be. Plus, I dunno about the gender either!

I enclosed two pictures at the bottom of what I took today outside with bantam Phoenix mix chicks that are over a month old now and the bird in question at about 6 weeks old. I took him June 1st and at that time, the lady said he was a week old, so do the math if I'm wrong! Lol!

Any help would be appreciated as to the breed or gender. I'm thinking a White Rock pullet given the stalling in growth but I'm no expert and well, I always hope PULLET!
Will add more pictures if you need them.



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