Gender of crow/hawk/chicken cross....what do you think?

Mrs. Feathers

13 Years
Apr 2, 2010
Well actually s/he is an EE - Australorp/Ameraucana cross. but we think she looks like a crow/hawk cross. A little group of not the most beautiful mutts but we love them. They are 4 weeks old and we are new to EE`s. This first little chick is just lovely, flies up to us as soon as we open the brooder, chortles away and loves to be held. I would like to give it to my granddaughter but they can`t have a roo. What are your thoughts...First three photos are of this chick and the fourth is one of what I think are our 3EE roos with an Australorp roo in the front (always wanting to get at my camera).
The final two photos are an Australorp chick that had a very yellow head and I am not sure if this is looking like a roo or a pullet with a larger comb (not as pink as the others)...or if I just need to be patient for a bit longer

Photo 1 of EE?

Photos 2 of same chick

Final photo of same chick

Photos of the guys (I think) for comparison....3EE in back ...Australorp roo in front

What do you think? pullet? roo? more time?

All chicks are 4 weeks and I now have a new sense of respect for those of you who post such great photos...they are always either moving or trying to eat the camera!
Thanks for your thoughts
Several of my babies (also 4 weeks old) look just like these. I'm too new to this to know one breed from another, but I agree that all 24 of mine are adorable little mutts. I must admit though that I hope I have at least 1 EE. I'd love to get green/blue eggs eventually. Also would love a Welsummer roo one day.
They are quite loveable...unfortunately we are leaning heavy to the roo side I am afraid. One of the gambles of hatching although we are raising our dual purpose birds as dual purpose (still working at getting my head around that). For the most part I love to take care of them but see them as a collective sea of chicken...which is probably why I enjoy having all australorp or australorp X...they are all the same colour for the most part all look the same. Every now and then though one kind of gets through that chicken to pet boundary! I was hoping this first chick is a pullet to keep for my grandaughter to raise.
Thanks...can you let me know what are the characteristics of the first one that look like roo. I am learning about the EE`s and this one does look different than the other 3...although I do understand that one can`t rely on comb only.
I am not doubting your opinion just want to learn more myself on how to tell the would be much easier if they just had consistent and obvious parts like us humans!

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